
Metaphorest Book and Broadside (Small Poster)
The Metaphorest is a collection of nature poems, but not just any nature poems. They are nature poems in line with current, ecological discoveries and philosophies. The themes of The Metaphorest fit into many of the new words and terms that are becoming salient in these times – Symbiocene, Wood Wide Web, Anthropocene, Grammar of Animacy, Mutualism, and Mycorrhizal Networks. My neologism is an addition to this list of terms; metaphorest is a synthesis of metaphor and forest. The poems in this collection find delight not only in the existence of so many creatures but the metaphorical language that they provide us with.

To order: Finishing Line Press, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Park Road Books in Charlotte, NC


The broadside “Paper Wasp” below is an art piece with both a poem from The Metaphorest and complementary engraving. The broadside was made by Gray Zeitz, who runs a letter press in Kentucky called Larkspur Press. Gray is a master craftsman and has been deemed by the state of Kentucky as a State Treasure. He handsets and designs everything he prints, and he prints on only the best of paper. The engraving on the print was done by another artist/craftsman Joanne Price at her Starpointe studio.

“Paper Wasp” measures 16 5/8 inches by 12 inches and is matted and covered with a transparent plastic sleeve. Each broadside is numbered and signed. The cost of this handcrafted piece is $30 including shipping. You can order one of these broadsides using PayPal or contact me. Please always include your name and mailing address.